A Council-run service providing SEND support across all areas of need.

Supports children and young people from 2 years to post-16.

Referral reason: Concern about a child who is persistently absent from school, who may be at risk of exclusion (permanent or fixed term) and/or has identified additional needs including SEND.

People involved: Inclusion and Attendance team members – who will involve other services as needed. E.g., such as educational psychologists and the 0-19 health visiting service

Offer: Support is given particularly around transition points (e.g.for example, school readiness, primary to secondary school, and preparing for adulthood/post-16).

Support might include:

  • Whole school support/ awareness raising
  • Group work
  • Work with individual pupils/families

Issues covered include: wellbeing, sleep, behaviour, social emotional & mental health.

The Inclusion and Attendance Team helps children, families, and schools during important school changes. Our Specialist Inclusion Keyworkers help with this.

We focus on helping children get ready for school (you may hear this called school readiness), move to secondary school, and prepare for adulthood.

Our keyworkers work with everyone to make sure children and young people get the support they need to move to the next stage of their education successfully.

How to contact us

Services - including schools and other education settings - can refer to the service through the Primary and Secondary Inclusion Panels or by emailing:


Parents can contact the service for advice using the same email address.

If parents, schools or services have any questions about attendance legal processes or penalty notices they should email
