The school will use the Sheffield Support Grid (SSGe). This helps them make decisions about your child’s package of support. They should tell you at which level(s) your child has been placed on the grid. They should talk you through the package of support they will receive. They should use the advice from the assessment stage to do this.
You and your family should be given written information about your child’s SEND. This should include:
- the outcomes they are working towards
- the support that is being provided.
This is likely to start with a Learner profile/single page profile and SEND Support Plan. This may progress to an Extended Support Plan dependent on your child's needs. The plan should be developed together with you and your child.
Learner Profile
A Learner Profile/single page profile is a good way of sharing key information about a child/young person. This helps other people, such as teachers, childminders or support staff. It tells people on a single sheet of A4:
- what their strengths are
- what is important to them
- how they can best be supported.
It helps to make sure that the child/young person’s voice is at the centre of everything.
Schools are expected to use learner profiles for most pupils with SEND. For those with lower-level needs, this will be a standalone document. For those with higher-level needs, the learner profile should form part of a bigger plan.
Preparing a learner profile should be a joint effort. This should be with the pupil, parents and school staff all playing an equal part. Learner profiles should be kept under review and may need to be updated on a termly basis.
Each school will have their own version of a learner profile. They all do the same job and include similar information. The main purpose is to share relevent information. This is so that adults working with your child/young person know what adaptations are needed. It helps your child/young person access their learning.
SEND Support Plan
A SEND Support Plan is used when a child has been identified as having SEND and is placed on the SEND register (K code). The support plan shows:
- annual outcomes
- the steps the child will work through to achieve these.
- the provision that will be put in place to help a child/young person achieve the outcomes.
Many schools have developed their own versions of this tool.
Reviews should take place on a termly basis. Some schools and local authorities call a SEND Support Plan:
- an Individual Education Plan (IEP), or
- Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP)
They should do the same thing as a SEND Support Plan.
Extended Support Plans
Schools are expected to use an Extended Support Plan where:
- there is a need for co-ordination of provision because a child has long-term needs
- requires support from a range of services.
In most cases before starting a extended support plan, a SEND support plan should be in place. This follows the graduated response.
The Extended Support Plan is a document that is replacing the My Plan in Sheffield schools. The aims of the Extended Support Plan are the same as the My Plan. As a document it allows us to:
- build a much broader view of the child/young person
- consider outcomes and actions to meet their aspirations.
The Extended Support Plan covers the four key areas of preparation for adulthood. These are:
- education, employment and training
- health
- community inclusion
- independence
It includes questions to help capture the voice of the young person and their family. It is a place to record a child’s/young person’s educational, health and social care strengths and needs. Unlike an Education Health and Care Plan an Extended Support Plan is non-statutory. This means it does not have any legal rights.
The Extended Support Plan should gradually build to provide a full record of needs and support. School, parents and professionals all working together should develop this.
The Extended Support Plan should be reviewed at least three times per year. External professionals involved with a child/young person or their family should contribute to some of these reviews. This could be either be by attending or providing reports. The Learner Profile and SEND Support Plan are built into the Extended Support Plan. This is so there is good planning and review of provision.
The SENCO should make sure that everyone who works with the pupil understands the Extended Support Plan. This is so they can put in place the agreed provision.