Children moving to FS2/Reception in September 2024 will need to apply for a school place before 15th January 2024.
Parents/carers should be advised to arrange a visit to their preferred school(s) and request to meet with the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) They can then discuss your child’s needs and how the school(s) could provide for this. This should help them make a decision on which school(s) they would like to apply to for their child.
If the child has an EHCP (Educational health and Care Plan) SENDSARS (Special educational needs and Disabilities Assessment and Review Service) consults the school/s that they have expressed an interest in.
By the 15th of February of the year a child will be starting FS2/Reception year, the LA must send a copy of the Final Amended EHCP with the name of the school they will be attending for FS2/Reception class.
When a child moves to FS2/Reception, the Early Years setting which a child attends, will share the Sheffield Early Years Transition form with school, which details information about the child, including any support that is currently in place, with consent. This is to help make transition to school more successful and will be completed for all Early Years children. This is also completed if a child moves to a different Early Years setting.
If a child is currently supported by the 0-5 SEND service, a transition offer will be provided by the Early Years Inclusion Teacher and Assistant both before and after transition. Further information can be found here.
If parents/carers have any questions or queries, they can call the 0-5 phone line on 0114 2037773. This is available Mon, Wed and Fri from 1-4pm in term time only. There is also a voicemail facility, where a can message can be left and one of the Early Years Inclusion teachers will call back.
Please note a child does not need to be involved with the 0-5 to access this support.