Support available to children accessing education

Not all children with health needs will need the local authority to arrange suitable provision. Managing health needs in education will depend on the level of need.

Health services should work with schools, education services and social care.  This is to address children’s health needs in a flexible way. This helps children join in with education and social activities with others. They should help children manage their health need in an independent way.

5 cartoon characters, one is in a wheelchair

When a school or professional can see that a child’s health needs are affecting their education

They should:

  • arrange to meet with the child and their parent/carer. This is to get their thoughts and feelings.  This should happen as soon as possible.
  • think about an education plan. Look at referring to a health service and early help. This plan should include any help and support for the parent/carer.

When a parent or child can see that the child’s health needs are affecting their education

They should:

  • speak to their GP or nurse.
  • discuss their concerns with their school as soon as possible.

There are services who give advice for children, families, schools, and professionals. Click on the drop down options below for more information.

Healthy Minds is a school-based project.  It supports the emotional health and wellbeing of children and how it can affect:

  • learning
  • attainment
  • behaviour
  • getting a job in the future

Find out more by clicking on the logo below.

Blue rectangle with a white rectangle inside with text that says NHS

Healthy Minds Champions

Schools working with Healthy Minds and/or the Mental Health Support Teams have at least 1 Mental Health Champion. Many schools have also introduced student mental health champions.  They work with staff to create a healthy mind environment.  This is so children feel supported and can access information.

Door 43 is a Service for 13–25-year-olds.  It supports those with emotional wellbeing issues. It provides early help and low-level support.  It isn’t a crisis service and does not provide 24/7 responses.  They provide:

  • counselling
  • social prescribing
  • a Wellbeing café. This gives a chance to meet others and do activities.

Click on the logo below to find out more.

Light blue rectangle with white text that says Sheffield Futures.  There is a white circle to the right with the letters S and F.

Kooth is an online counselling service.  Any 10–25 year old can join.

Find out more by clicking on the logo below.

Black text that says kooth.  The o's a represented by 2 faces

The Health Needs in Education Team support schools.  They help them see what extra support is needed to help a child with physical health needs to go to school.

Parents and young people can self-refer into the service. Professionals can also refer with the parents’ (or young person’s) consent.

Contact them by email on

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