Exam Stress drop-in sessions

Community Youth Services are excited to promote a new pilot project, which will be delivered in three youth clubs across the city.

The project aims to support young people during exam season and beyond, focusing on reducing anxiety, exam stress & digital pressures.

  • Questions about exams and school
  • Advice on how to manage stress
  • Activities, games and music
  • Drinks and snacks 

The sessions are free to access, and young people can drop in and out.

  • Monday 6pm - 7.30pm | Wensley Community Centre, Hinde House Crescent, S4 8HF | Starts 3rd June until 15th July
  • Wednesday 5pm - 6.30pm | Com.Unity, Westfield Centre, S20 8ND | Starts 5th June until 17th July
  • Thursday 6pm - 7.30pm | U-Mix Centre, Asline Road, Lowfield, S4 4UJ | Starts 6th June until 18th July 
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