Sheffield Futures

Sheffield Futures provide careers advice. They run careers information, advice and guidance sessions at schools across Sheffield, and drop-in sessions at Star House on Division Street.

They also work with Opportunity Sheffield to offer support to young people 18-24 and Care Leavers.

Contact: 0114 2012800 /

Light blue rectangle with white text that says Sheffield futures.  To the right of the text is a white circle with the letters S and F in it made up of small light blue circles

Jobcentre Plus

Jobcentre Plus have School Advisors who work with young people aged 12-18 years to help with their skills in getting a job. They help with the move from school into work, training or further study. The service can help with things like CVs, applications, interview techniques, work experience placements, understanding how to get into traineeships and apprenticeships. Sessions are delivered in school through assemblies, group sessions or on a one-to-one basis. They are happy to talk to parents too!

Contact: 07920 783284 /

Green rectangle with text that says job centre plus.  Job and plus are in white text and centre is in yellow text

Sheffield College

Sheffield College offer Supported Internship courses for young people with Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans. These courses include work placements with local employers, but also offer the chance to study for relevant qualifications, as well as English and Maths. Wherever possible, students are supported to move into paid employment at the end of the programme.


Yellow square with text that says the Sheffield college.  Sheffield and college are in black text, the is in grey text