There are a range of volunteering opportunities available in Sheffield.  If you are aged 14 to 25 years, here are some opportunities you may want to look at.

Sheffield Volunteer Centre

Sheffield Volunteer Centre provides a drop-in centre from Monday to Wednesday, 10am-4pm. Advisers will help and support individuals to find the right volunteering role.

Telephone: 0114 253 6649 


Squiggly line that is shaped like a V.  text to the right that says Volunteer centre sheffield

Whirlow Hall Farm Trust

Whirlow Hall Farm Trust runs programmes for young people aged 14yrs+ with learning disabilities to explore and develop essential skills for independent living and gain farm-based vocational skills in animal care and horticulture.

Telephone: 0114 236 0096 


Green box with white text that says Whirlow Hall farm trust.  Picture in lighter green of a child feeding two hens

Young Healthwatch

Young Healthwatch welcomes volunteers from a wide range of backgrounds aged 14 to 25 years, to get involved in everything from stalls and focus groups where they listen to the public, to working on research projects and influencing decision-makers.  
If you want to help other young people have their say, get in touch – they will help you to get involved in a way that showcases your skills.

Telephone: 0114 253 6688 


Blue text says Healthwatch sheffield.  The a in health is in pink and shaped like an apostrophe.  The a in watch is green and shaped like an upside down apostrophe

River Stewardship Company

The River Stewardship Company works to improve the waterways.  This is for people and wildlife in and around Sheffield.  They help create better waterways for people, places and wildlife.

Find out how you can volunteer

They also run a River Stewardship Skills scheme. This offers young people the chance to build their skills.  They do this in a more structured way than general volunteering. It has a focus on leadership, self-confidence and skills they can use in other jobs.

Telephone: 0114 3540012


Circle made up of purple, green and blue curved lines.  Text to the right says River Stewardship company