Our teams work really hard each and every day supporting young people with SEND.

If there is a team or an individual you would like to say thank you or give a compliment to, please e-mail localoffer@sheffield.gov.uk.

You can also write to us at:

  • Sheffield SEND Service, Howden House, Floor 5, 1 Union Street, Sheffield, S1 2SH.

We may publish your words on this page.  Please keep reading to see some of the lovely things others have said about our SEND Service.

5 cartoon people, one is in a wheelchair

What people have said

Compliment to SENDSARS

SENDSARS was very helpful and willing to take the time over the phone to discuss with us what was happening both in relation to the assessment process and the draft EHCP.

Compliment to the Autism Social Communication (ASC) Team

After a visit to St Jospeh's Catholic Primary:

Compliment to the Educational Pyschology Service

Feedback from parents following a post-16 piece of casework:

I just wanted to send a personal note of thanks for the report you wrote for our son XXX.

We very much appreciated that the report reflected a careful and empathetic investigation into XXX's individual strengths and needs, including discussions with him, and his views on the issues, and also that it recommended specific interventions designed to address his individual needs at college. 

This report means a lot to us personally. 

Compliment to SENDSARS

Just wanted to say how good you (Inclusion Officer) have been, you kept me posted all the way through the process and explained things that I did not know what they meant. You made me understand what's happening.

Compliment to the Educational Pyschology Service

Feedback following a locality ‘stuck cases’ group SENCO consultation:

The process has been useful and has led to us coming away with lots of useful suggestions, many of which we haven’t heard of before. It was nice just to be able to talk!

Compliment to SENDSARS

I feel that everyone involved has really contributed and produced an excellent plan which I feel will benefit J and the whole family moving forward. In particular, the work of the EP’s was so proficient and thorough. The exercise that Tim did with J, was one of the most beneficial and insightful pieces of work that anyone has ever done with him. I had lots of help and excellent communication from the Inclusion Officer. I am new to this process and it had the potential to be quite anxiety provoking for J and for me. Thank you for helping us get through it with support and kindness.

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