Support for young people released from custody

The Sheffield Youth Justice Service helps young people get back on their feet after they leave custody. This service is for children/young people from 10 years old all the way up to 18 (sometimes older depending on when they were sentenced).

An Education Officer and a Youth Justice Officer will talk to the young person before they leave custody. They'll chat about what kind of education, training, or job the young person might want to try as part of a resettlement plan. Then, after they're released, these same two officers will continue working with the young person to help them get started.

5 cartoon people of different ethnic origin, one is in a wheelchair.

For under 16’s or those of school age

The Sheffield Youth Justice Service:

  • helps young people get back into school after they leave custody.
  • work with schools and the local authority to find the best place for the young person to learn.
  • make sure any qualifications the young person did in custody count towards their progress.
  • work with Sheffield SENDSARS to make sure Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans are up to date.

For young people aged 16 and over

The Education, Training and Employment (ETE) team is there to help young people find jobs or training after they leave custody. They can answer questions, give advice, and point the young person in the right direction for things like:

  • College or training courses
  • Getting an apprenticeship or traineeship
  • Work programs

They can also help with:

  • Making a CV
  • Filling out job applications
  • Practicing for interviews
  • Figuring out when and how to tell someone about their past conviction and when it is spent.

Voluntary Intervention Program (VIP)

Young people can get help after being Remanded in Youth Detention Accommodation (RYDA) if their case is dropped or they're found not guilty at trial.  They can get support to find a job or training. Here's what they can get:

  • Help with education, training, and jobs: This is from the Education, Training and Employment (ETE) team. They can answer questions and help find things like college courses, apprenticeships, or work programs.
  • Support from a Youth Justice Officer: This officer can help the young person get back on their feet after a tough time.
  • Help after a sentence (if needed): In some cases, VIP might be offered to help the young person adjust to life after their sentence. This won't be for everyone, only if it would be helpful.

How to refer

Referrals are made through a young person’s Youth Justice Service Case officer.  Speak to them for any questions about education, training or employment.

The service can be contacted on

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