Introducing your baby to solid foods – also known as weaning - should start when your baby is around six months old when your baby is developmental ready.

Weaning Seminar

You can also sign up to a monthly online Weaning seminar. Delivered by The Sheffield Health Visiting 0-19 team, this session is an opportunity to gain information, support and advice on when to wean your baby and how. Dates and bookings on this page

If your baby was born prematurely or has a health condition, ask your Health Visitor or GP for advice on when the best time is to start.

Babies have developed enough at around 6 months to start on solid food. If you want more information on why this to start weaning your baby on solid food at around 6 months please click here

There is lots of information on how to wean your baby on solid food and this can be confusing. Why don’t you talk to your health visitor and attend the weaning sessions? You can also take a look at this video by clicking here

Babies over the age of 6 months can drink tap water in addition the milk they are receiving. Juice is not needed and adds sugars into your child’s diet that can be hard to stop.

A free flow beaker (one that spills) is recommended as soon as your baby is introduced to solids as this aides babies chewing muscles, control of liquid flow and prevents tooth decay. Please talk to your health visitor before introducing a free flow beaker.  

It is important to brush your baby’s teeth twice a day with a family non-whitening toothpaste as soon as they come through as soon as a baby’s milk teeth can be subjected to tooth decay as soon as they appear. 

Remember to register your baby with a dentist before their first birthday, even if they haven’t got any teeth yet. Find a dentist - NHS

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