Apprenticeships are a combination of work with training. They give you the chance to make connections to the industry that you want to have a career in. However, not all apprenticeships are the same, they may differ from one employer to another.

So what does an apprenticeships look like, they have to last a minimum of 12 months and they have to have elements or training and work involved.

To start an apprenticeship, you’ll need to be:

  • 16 or over
  • living in England
  • not in full-time education


Top tips:

1.  Create an account, search and apply for positions on the National Apprenticeships Service website.

2.   Make sure you read and meet the minimum requirements for the job.

3.   Try the careers quiz from UCAS

4.   Contact the careers team at

5.   Make use of the Amazing Apprenticeships  website.

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